Lambda Callbacks 📞

Lambdas can be made to play nicely with C callbacks.


Many C APIs have callback arguments in the form of function pointers.

void nifty_thing_doer(void (*callback)(int));

In the first post in this series we saw that captureless lambdas can automatically convert to function pointers. Thus, we can easily pass nifty_thing_doer() a captureless lambda like so:

::nifty_thing_doer([](int i){ /* admire i */ });

However, lambdas with non-empty capture lists are not convertible to function pointers and thus cannot be inserted as such.

  ::nifty_thing_doer([&](int i){ /* admire i */ });  // :-(
  //> error: cannot convert '<lambda(int)>' to 'void (*)(int)'

So what is one to do if said callback needs to capture state?
(I am assuming here that we cannot change the API that we are using itself).


User Data

Fortunately, C-style callback APIs typically accept an additional callback argument of type void* user_data:

void nifty_thing_doer2(void (*callback)(int, void* user_data), void* user_data)
   callback(nifty_i, user_data);	

If we want to pass extra variables to the callback, we cannot do it via the capture list. Instead, we can do it via the opaque user_data pointer.
Here’s one C++11-ish way of doing it:

void f()
  // local variables
  int x = 0;
  float y=1;
  // locally defined uncopyable, unmovable type
  struct MtEverest
    MtEverest() = default;
    MtEverest(const MtEverest& that)  = delete; // no copy
    MtEverest(const MtEverest&& that) = delete; // no move
  } mt_everest;
  // create "user-data" payload  
  auto payload = std::tie(x,y,mt_everest);
  ::nifty_thing_doer2([](int i, void* userdata)
    auto& payload_tup = *reinterpret_cast<decltype(payload)*>(userdata);
    auto& xx = std::get<0>(payload_tup);
    auto& yy = std::get<1>(payload_tup);
    auto& me = std::get<2>(payload_tup);
    /* admire i */   	
  }, &payload); // <<= Pass the payload

Here, std::tie is used to create a tuple of references to the local variables. This also means that we can bind uncopyable, unmovable types like MtEverest.

In the second post in the series, we saw that there are multiple entities that can be accessed from a captureless lambda, and that these are governed by the so called ODR-use rule.

Inside our lambda we need to cast the type-erased user_data to our payload type. Although we do not capture payload (this is a captureless lambda), we can still use it within a non-ODR-use such as in decltype(payload) to get the correct type of our tuple. From there all that is left to do is create handy aliases for the tuple elements.

With C++17 Structured Bindings (a.k.a. destructuring) we might be able to write something like this:

auto& payload_tup = *reinterpret_cast<decltype(payload)*>(userdata);
auto& [xx,yy,me] = payload_tup;

or maybe even:

auto& [xx,yy,me] = *reinterpret_cast<decltype(payload)*>(userdata);

I have not tried this, so if not, illuminate me.

CAVEAT: In this example, we are passing references to local variables to the callback. This is only valid if the callback will always be called within the lifetime of the referenced variables. If the callback might be called after the termination of our function or e.g. asynchronously do not bind references. This is a general rule with references.

This cool Bannalia blog post shows another way of passing capturing lambdas to a callback by passing the capturing lambda itself as the user_data and another captureless lambda thunk for the conversion.


Statics and Globals

But what are you going to do when your callback API does not support void* user_data, and you still need to pass state variables to your callback?

In this case we are left with globals and their static cousins. Any function, including captureless lambdas can access and use global variables without capturing them. The same goes for static members of class types.

We could use globals to store pointers to our internal state but that messes up the code, polluting the global namespace, increasing the chance for collisions, increases coupling and all the rest of the reasons not to use globals.
This leaves static members.

What we’d like to do is to somehow create localized types with static members that can be set to allow us to inject state into a captureless lambda.

namespace // anonymous namespace, everything stays in the translation unit
  template <typename T>
  struct payload_injector
    static T val;  

  template <typename T>
  T payload_injector<T>::val; // static variable definition for linker

int main()
  // local variables as before...
  // create payload as before 
  auto payload = std::tie(x,y,mt_everest);

  // declare/instantiate new payload injector type  
  using payload_ptr_t = payload_injector<decltype(payload)*>;  // ptr to payload type #1
  payload_ptr_t::val = &payload; // set the injector val to ref the local payload     #2

  ::nifty_thing_doer([](int i) // << captureless lambda
    auto& payload_tup = *payload_ptr_t::val; // << type not even erased               #3
    auto& xx = std::get<0>(payload_tup);
    auto& yy = std::get<1>(payload_tup);
    auto& me = std::get<2>(payload_tup);

    /* admire i */      

The payload_injector<> template has a static member of type T, it along with its static member val are defined inside an anonymous namespace so that there are no ODR-violations with other translation units for this static variable when the template is instantiated.

When we need to inject some state through a static we instantiate the template type (#1), and set the static value to our desired value (#2). In our case we are taking a pointer to the payload type.
Essentially, payload_ptr_t::val is just like user_data above, except:

  1. It does not have to be passed as a function parameter;
  2. It is not type-erased

Inside our captureless lambda, we can directly retrieve the payload without even needing the reinterpret_cast<> (#3)!

CAVEAT: If payload_injector<> is ever instantiated with the same type for T, e.g. from different calling sites, there will be only one payload_injector<>::val defined. This might lead to collisions in certain situations. More on why this isn’t necessarily an issue in a moment.

Coming Full Circle

Now that we have the payload_injector<> facility, we can do even better!
Why go to all the trouble with creating payload with std::tie at all and pass that around?

  auto my_callback = [&](int i) // the capturing callback we wanted all along
    auto z = x+y;
    // use x, y, and mt_everest as desired
    // continue to admire i  ...
  // declare/instantiate new payload injector type  
  using payload_ptr_t = payload_injector<decltype(my_callback)*>; // ptr to my_callback
  payload_ptr_t::val = &my_callback;

  ::nifty_thing_doer([](int i) 
  { // trivial thunk just calls lambda

Now isn’t that cool?

Instead of injecting the variable bundle into the captureless lambda, something that requires updating as the lambda changes, we can just create a capturing lambda and inject that lambda object itself into a simple captureless “thunk” lambda that simply calls it!

This approach is also superior to the above one since lambdas always have unique types, so there can never be collisions for the static variable payload_injector<>::val as each instantiated template has its own type.

Loose Ends

Even if we prefer to use the first approach and inject a tuple, we could extend payload_injector with a tag type template parameter or a non-type template parameter and pass that the current line or some other local unique tag to avoid collisions.

However, even that does not necessarily solve the collision problem since multithreaded code might have the same lambda running asynchronously on multiple threads. All these runs will try to modify and use the same static variable and may cause severe havoc. This is the usual caveat with using static variable and members in multithreaded code.

But, C++11 gives us thread_local so that each thread will actually use its own copy of the static variable:

namespace // annonymous namespace
  template <typename T>
  struct payload_injector
    thread_local static T val;  

  template <typename T>
  thread_local T payload_injector<T>::val;

To summarize, how do we create per-lambda “static” state?

  1. Use anonymous namespace to prevent link-level ODR-violations across translation units
    Each .cpp will get its own copy of the static variable.
  2. Use thread_local instead of static so that each thread gets its own copy of the variable.
  3. By passing the lambdas themselves, each lambda gets its own template type instantiation and thus its own variable.

As usual, comments are most welcomed!


Acknowledgments: banner :: Bannalia

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